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Tired of Feeling Drained?

Restore Your Energy and Unlock Your Full Potential

Nonkulie Dladla, MD | Integrative Medicine Physician in NYC
About Us

Our Approach

At Gramercy Park Integrative, bioregulatory medicine serves as the guiding philosophy, shaping our comprehensive approach to healthcare. Grounded in the belief that the body possesses an innate ability to self-regulate and heal, bioregulatory medicine emphasizes a holistic understanding of health, considering the interconnectedness of physiological, emotional, and environmental factors. Our practitioners employ advanced diagnostic tools and techniques to gain a nuanced understanding of each individual’s unique bioregulatory landscape. We use a combination of ancient and allopathic therapies.

Transformative treatments

Whether you have a specific concern in mind or just know you want to feel better, our personalized technology can get you feeling the best you’ve ever felt.

Hormone Optimization

Hormone Replacement Therapy
Elevate your vitality by restoring your hormonal balance. Optimize your health and rejuvenate your well-being.

IV Therapy

Replenish and Recharge Yourself

A hydrating mix of fluids and electrolytes, and our multivitamin (Myer’s Cocktail) base, which includes 8 potent vitamins and minerals. IV treatments personalized for you.

Weight Optimization

Weight Loss Tailored to Your Health

Combining revolutionary peptide therapy with habit and lifestyle changes for improved metabolic health, helping you achieve sustained and healthy weight loss.

Wellness Technology

Cutting-Edge Treatments for Optimal Health

Reduce inflammation and boost overall health. Enjoy Infrared Light Therapy to promote mitochondrial function and overall vitality.

Primary Care

Comprehensive Healthcare Services

From preventive care to chronic condition management, we ensure optimal well-being for our patients.

For Our Patients

Our 5 step continuum

Our team of experts will be there at every step to analyze and deliver personalized healing plans utilizing our cutting-edge lab tests and diagnostics to analyze your unique condition, saving you time and money.


You will meet with your provider to discuss and review the findings from your assessments.

Testing assessments

An array of innovated testing designed to evaluate different systems in your body to highlight deficiencies and contributors to reduced vitality.

Treatment Recommendations

Based on the results of your assessments, a path to optimal health and disease management will be recommended. This may include nutritional supplements, in-office therapies or distant referral to other healthcare practitioners.

Monitoring maintenance

Why do it if you can’t see if it worked? We believe that repeat assessment and data collection is the best measure of progress. Once you are on a plan, the goal is to ensure the plan is yielding long-term gains.

Book A Consultation

Your healthiest self starts here

Take control of your health, pairing nature’s innate healing abilities with our innovative, technology-backed tools. Guided by our core belief in the power of the body to heal itself, we’re here to help you tap into your optimal level of performance so that you can reawaken your healthiest self and feel your best. Ready to get started?

“If there’s one place in the world
I can count on to keep me feeling
young and vital, it’s here!”

Get in touch to make an appointment today.